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Ant eclipsed

Writer's picture: AstrovedasAstrovedas

Many people’s reaction to the news Ant McPartlin, of Ant & Dec fame, has checked into rehab for depression and addiction has been, sadly, “What has he got to be depressed about”? Successful since childhood, undoubtedly wealthy, and in a long-term marriage, Ant is one of the most recognizable faces on British TV, and surely has no troubles at all. Yet even without a known birthtime, one look at his chart tells a different story.

Anthony McPartlin 18/11/1975, Newcastle, UK - time unknown (Noon chart)

Birth at a lunar eclipse places Ant’s Sun and Moon on the nodal axis, a challenging and fated placement for both luminaries. A noon chart puts the Moon in particular close to Ketu, and also under the gaze of Saturn. This gives a restless and disturbed mind – over-imaginative, prone to anxiety and dark moods. We can only speculate, but Ant today is quite likely somewhere within his Rahu dasha, with transiting Saturn also having crossed the Taurus-Scorpio axis over the last two years. Rahu periods have this archetypal quality – the man who has it all materially suffers from a kind of soul sickness and has to recover his centre. The pressure to be smiley Mr Showbiz probably only adds to his troubles.

Rather like Prince Harry, it is admirable that Ant has spoken publicly of his admission to rehab, which helps remove the taboo around mental health and promotes treating addiction as an illness. “The first step is to admit to yourself you need help”, he said. While we celebrate International Yoga Day today, we are still a long way from any such public recognition of astrology, despite its enormous insight into the human heart - particularly in a preventative sense. Mantras and yagyas can be used to remove, or at least offset, malefic periods that we all go through at some point.

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